Hantzaroula Pothiti

Associate Professor

Academic field: Historical Anthropology, 19th-20 centuries

Official Government Gazette, Issue: 11/14.01.2021

Pothiti Hantzaroula studied at the University of Athens. She did an MA in Social History at the University of Warwick and completed her PhD thesis in History at the European University Institute of Florence in 2002. As post-doctoral researcher she participated in the project ‘Pythagoras’ Research Action: Gendered Aspects of Migration in Southeast Europe: Integration, Labour and Transnational Communication (GAME), EPEAEK II (Department of History, Archaeology and Social Anthropology, University of Thessaly). Her fields of research include oral history, the history and historiography of gender and sexuality, the memory and history of the Second World War, and the history of emotions. She has supervised dissertations on the above topics. Her book Σμιλεύοντας την υποταγή: Οι έμμισθες οικιακές εργάτριες στην Ελλάδα το πρώτο μισό του εικοστού αιώνα, Παπαζήσης, 2012 [Sculpting subordination: Domestic workers in Greece at the first half of the twentieth century] is an oral history of paid domestic work in Greece. She has translated in Greek Benedict Anderson’s Imagined Communities (Nefeli 2006). She is one of the founding members of the Association of Oral History in Greece. She is one of the founding editors and member of the editorial board of the journal Historein: A Review of the Past and Other Stories.


Domestic workers in Greece at the first half of the twentieth century. Papazisis 2012. [In Greek.]


Co-editor of the Special Issue entitled «Questions and Orientations in History During the Last 20 Years». Historein 12 (2012). http://www.historeinonline.org/index.php/historein/issue/view/13

«The Relationship between Employer and Domestic Worker». In Iordanis Psimmenos (ed.), Work and Social Inequalities: Personal Services and Domestic Staff. Alexandria 2013 [in Greek].

Gender History and theTransformation of the Poetics of Historical Knowledge”, Historein: A Review of the Past and Other Stories, 10, 2010. http://www.historeinonline.org/index.php/historein/article/view/6

”Gender relations and oral accounts on sexuality: female workers and domestic servants in post-War Athens”. In V. Karamanolakis, E. Olympitou, I. Papathanasiou (eds.), I elliniki neolaia ston 20o aiona. Politikes diadromes, koinonikes praktikes kai politistikes ekfraseis, Themelio 2010, pp.  259-273. [In Greek.]

”Public discourses on sexuality and narratives of sexual violence of domestic servants in Greece (1880-1945” Re-visiting Sex and Gender in Contemporary Greek Ethnography ,  Journal of Mediterranean Studies, 18 (2), 2010, pp. 283-310.

”Historiographical Approaches on Gender” in V. Kantsa, V. Moutafi, E. Papataxiarchis (eds.), Meletes gia to fylo stin anthropologia kai stin istoria. Alexandreia (forthcoming), Alexandreia 2012 pp. 121-220. [In Greek.]

”Paid domestic work and female Albanian migrants” perceptions of citizenship”. In Anatheoriseis tou politikou. Anthropologiki kai istoriki erevna stin elliniki koinonia. Alexandreia (forthcoming). [In Greek.]

”Masculinity, work identities and citizenship in the narratives of Albanian migrants in Greece”. In Riki Van Boeschoten (eds.), Fylo kai metanastefsi sti Notioanatoliki Evropi. Nefeli (forthcoming). [In Greek.]

”A genealogy of the exclusion of paid domestic labour from the category of labour”. In Episfalis ergasia, ”gynaikeia ergasi”. Parmevasi me aformi tin Konstantina Kouneva. Historein/Nefeli 2009. [In Greek.]

”Introduction. Towards a New Epistemology: The ”Affective Turn” (with Athina Athanasiou and Kostas Yannakopoulos). In Athina Athanasiou, Pothiti Hantzaroula, Despina Valatsou, Kostas Yannakopoulos (eds.),”Performing Emotions: Historical and anthropological sites of affec”. Historein: A Review of the Past and Other Stories, vol. 8, Nefeli Publications, 2008, pp. 1-16. http://www.historeinonline.org/index.php/historein/article/view/33

”Female Labour, Identity and Labour Legislation in 19th century Europe”. Themata Koinonikis kai Oikonomikis Istorias tis Evropis. Open University in Greece, Patra, 2008, pp. 181-222. [In Greek.]

”Historiographical Approaches on Gender” in V. Kantsa, V. Moutafi, E. Papataxiarchis (eds.), Meletes gia to fylo  stin anthropologia kai stin istoria. Alexandreia 2012, pp. 121-220. [In Greek.]

”Perceptions of Gender and Domestic Labour in Albanian Migrants” ”Testimonies in Greece” in Helma Lutz, Migration and Domestic Work: A European Perspective on a Global Theme. Ashgate/Aldershot 2007, pp. 61-76. http://extras.ha.uth.gr/pythagoras1/images/downloads/H1.pdf

”Gender history and the shift in the historiographical paradigm”. Sygxrona Themata, 94, 2006, pp. 43-49. [In Greek.]

The Dynamics of the Mistress-Servant Relationship”. In Antoinette Fauve-Chamoux (eds.), Domestic service and the formation of the European identity. Peter Lang 2005, pp. 379-408″.

”The Status of Servants’ Labour in State Policy (Greece, 1870-1960” Proceedings of the Servant Project in  S. Pasleau, I. Schopp (eds.) with R. Sarti, vol. 1, Editions de l’ Universite de Liege, Liege 2006, pp. 225-246.

”Shame in the Narratives of Domestic Servants in Greece, 1920-194”. In Regina Schulte and Pothiti Hantzaroula (eds.), Narratives of the Servant, European University Institute WP, Florence 2001.

Research Projects

1/3/2013- Member of the research group of action 6.3 «Development of Thematic Data Base-Creation of an Oral History Archive». Research project “Participation in the development of thematic data bases for culture: The cultural landscape of the Aegean in historical perspective” in the framework of Polynisiotikotita-EPEAEK. Co-ordinator of Action 6: N. Soulakellis (University of the Aegean).

1/10/2012- “Forms of public sociality in 20th century urban Greece: associations, networks of social intervention and collective subjectivities” supervised by Efi Avdela (University of Crete) and funded by “Thalis-EPEAEK II”.

1/1/2011 –31/12/ 2011 ” From the Inter-War Period to Reconstruction (1930-1960): Documenting the Experiences of the Greek Jews” supervised by Henriette-Rica Benveniste (University of Thessaly) and funded by John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation. http://gjst.ha.uth.gr/en

2004-2005. Post-graduate research fellow. Pythagoras Research Action: Gendered Aspects of Migration in Southeast Europe: Integration, Labour and Transnational Communication (GAME), EPEAEK II (Department of History, Archaeology and Social Anthropology, University of Thessaly) (see publications).

2003. “Historiographical Approaches on Gender”. Study implemented in the framework of EPEAEK II funded by YpEpth for the educational and teaching purposes of the MA in Women and Gender, Department of Social Anthropology and History, University of the Aegean (see publication).

2003-2001. Participant in the thematic Network ”Servant Project/The socio-economic role of domestic service as a factor of European identity” in the framework of FPS-Key Action sponsored by the European Commission (see publications).


Undergraduate Courses

W/S-044 Memory, History and Representation in the Second World War: The Destruction of the Jews of Europe
specialised general knowledge
H-208 Oral History
special background, specialized general knowledge
H-221 State and Society in Modern Greece (19th- early 20th cc.)
special background, specialised general knowledge

Graduate Courses

SAH-H-4 Methodologies in History and Anthropology
MA in Social and Historical Anthropology
SHA-8 Historical Anthropology: Historiographical Approaches and the Poetics of Historical Knowledge
MA in Social and Historical Anthropology

Courses taught

H-272 Gender and work in modern and contemporary European history (elective course)


W/S-044 Memory, History and Representation in the Second World War: The Destruction of the Jews of Europe
specialised general knowledge
H-208 Oral History
special background, specialized general knowledge
H-221 State and Society in Modern Greece (19th- early 20th cc.)
special background, specialised general knowledge

Postgraduate Courses

SAH-H-4 Methodologies in History and Anthropology
Vassiliadou Dimitra & Hantzaroula Pothiti
SHA-8 Historical Anthropology: Historiographical Approaches and the Poetics of Historical Knowledge
Hantzaroula Pothiti