2023: The Late Byzantine Romance in Context. Narrativity and Identities in the Mediterranean (13th -16th centuries), co-edited with Z. Ainalis, London and New York: Routledge (forthcoming).
2017: Byzantine Renaissance and Utopia: Plethon and the Despotate of Mistra, Athens: Eurasia (in Greek).
Selection of articles and book chapters
2023: “Identities and Narrativity in a Mediterranean Context (13th – 16th centuries): A brief introduction”, in Y. Smarnakis and Z. Ainalis (eds), The Late Byzantine Romance in Context. Narrativity and Identities in the Mediterranean (13th -16th centuries), London and New York: Routledge (forthcoming).
2023: “Narrative representations of space in the Tale of Imperios and Margarona: Constructing the image of a ‘global’ Mediterranean for a popular audience”, in Y. Smarnakis and Z. Ainalis (eds), The Late Byzantine Romance in Context. Narrativity and Identities in the Mediterranean (13th -16th centuries), London and New York: Routledge (forthcoming).
2023: “Constructing the image of a city-state ‘at the mid-point of most of Asia’. Bessarion’s encomium on Trebizond”, Byzantina Symmeikta 33, 71-101. Available at:
2022: “Political Power, Space, and Identities in the State of Epiros (1205–1318)”, in D. Parnell, M. Stewart και C. Whately (eds), The Routledge Handbook on Byzantine Identities, London and New York: Routledge, 300-311.
2022: “The Uprisings of the Zealots and the Ciompi: Political Violence, Rituals and Transformations of the Urban Space”, in C. Gaganakis, N. Giantsi – Meletiadi, M. Dourou – Heliopoulou, M. Papathanasiou and K. Raptis (eds), European Cities in Crisis. From the Middle Ages to the Present, Athens: Herodotos, 113-134 (with Eleni Tounta, in Greek).
2021: “Nikos Svoronos and the Social History of Byzantium”, Nea Estia 1887, [Special Issue: Spyros Asdrachas – Nikos Svoronos], 506-513 (in Greek).
2018: “Thessaloniki during the Zealots’ Revolt (1342-1350): Power, Political Violence and the Transformation of the Urban Space”, Scandinavian Journal of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 4, 119-147. Available at:
2015: “Rethinking Roman Identity after the Fall (1453): Perceptions of ‘Romanitas’ by Doukas and Sphrantzes”, Byzantina Symmeikta 25, 211-234. Available at:
2007: “A Contribution to the Archaeology of Modern Utopian Thought: History and Utopia in Plethon’s Oeuvre”, Historein 7, 103-113. Available at:
2005: “Ancient History and Hermeneutical Strategies in Plethon”, in T. Kioussopoulou, (ed.), 1453: The Fall of Constantinople and the Transition from Medieval to Modern Times, Herakleio: Crete University Press, 173-181 (in Greek).
2000: “Internet and Textual Representations of Virtual Cities: The Case Study of Multi User Domains (M.U.D.’s)”, in Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress: The City in Modern Times. Mediterranean and Balkan aspects (19th – 20th centuries), Athens: EMNE Mnemon, 285-295 (with Angelos Vlachos, in Greek).
1998: “Social Hierarchies in Plethon’s Texts and their Models”, Symmeikta 12, 215-236 (in Greek).