SHA-10 Postgraduate thesis

SHA-10 Postgraduate thesis


Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the thesis, the student will have developed the following abilities:

  • To be able to use the basic methodological tools, analytic frameworks and concepts for the undertaking of anthropological or historical research.
  • To undertake bibliographical research and to be familiar with the international discussions taking place in relation to one’s research focus.
  • To be in the position to construct research questions and to soundly ground research findings
  • To be able to plan one’s own research in either history or anthropology based on acquired theoretical, methodological and experiential knowledge, skills and originality.
  • To work analytically and synthetically when writing a scientific essay, following the principles and deontology of academic writing.
  • To clearly and effectively defend the content of the research he has carried out as well as its findings in the context of a public oral presentation.

To promote through his/her research ethical values, supporting and promoting gender, religious, ethnic and sexual equality.

General Competences :

Search for, analysis and synthesis of data and information, making use of the necessary technology

Work independently

Be critical and self-critical.

Produce free, creative and inductive thinking

Produce new research ideas


Social Sciences

Academic Unit:

Social Anthropology and History

Level of studies:


Course code:



Independent teaching activities


Weekly teaching hours



Course type:

special background, specialised general knowledge

Prerequisite courses:

Successful completion of all courses of all three semesters.

Language of instruction and examinations:

The thesis should be written in Greek. The thesis may also be written in English after a formal request if made by the student and approved by the Steering Committee of the Course. The thesis is defended in Greek before the Three-Member Examining Committee.


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