MA in Social and Historical Anthropology

MA in Social and Historical Anthropology
The Department of Social Anthropology and History runs a two-year Programme of Postgraduate Studies on Social and Historical Anthropology, according to the provisions of the Law 2083/92. The operation of the Programme began in the academic year 2001-2002 and focuses on the interdisciplinary study of contemporary and historical societies and cultural systems from the viewpoint of social and historical anthropology.

The MA “Social and Historical Anthropology” started operating in the academic year 2001-2002, while it was re-established and operates from the academic year 2018-19 (Government Gazette of Re-establishment 18387/ Issue B 1679/15.05.2018). The aim of the Programme is specialization in certain areas of social and historical anthropology, to deepen the knowledge of Mediterranean, Balkan and European anthropological and historical studies, to promote anthropological research in modern Greek society and history (from the 19th century until today) with a comparative orientation to the wider historical and cultural space in which the societies of the Greek peninsula are included, and finally, to train executives specialized in anthropological and historical research. In particular, the Programme aims to: a) Provide students with the necessary knowledge, experience and skills that will enable them to pursue a professional career in fields of scientific work related to social anthropology and history. b) Promote the disciplines of Social Anthropology and History, both in the field of theory and empirical research, and its consequent applications. The Programme awards a Diploma of Postgraduate Studies (MA) in “Social and Historical Anthropology” with the following specializations: a) Social Anthropology, b) History. Graduates of the Programme may be employed in research and secondary education, in museums, libraries, archives and cultural institutions, in health and insurance institutions, in all kinds of social service providers, organisations and institutions, as well as in the broader field of communication.

Academic Calendar 2024-2025

The duration of study for the award of the Diploma of Postgraduate Studies is four (4) semesters. The first two semesters are common to the two directions of the MA, while at the beginning of the third semester students choose one of the two specializations offered. Successful graduation requires the preparation of a thesis, which is selected and defined in the fourth semester and completed in no more than one semester beyond the fourth semester. The total number of credits (ECTS) required per semester is thirty (30), ten (10) per course, and the total number of credits required for the award of the MSc is one hundred and twenty (120) credits, as the preparation of the thesis amounts to thirty (30) ECTS. The language of instruction is Greek. The language of the thesis is Greek, but it may also be English.

Graduates from all disciplines, both in the humanities and social sciences as well as in the sciences, are admitted to the Programme. The attendance of the postgraduate courses does not require special knowledge in Social Anthropology or History. The courses are held in physical presence. The content, the expected learning outcomes, the mode of teaching and assessment, the responsible faculty member, the material to be studied and the acquired skills for all courses of the Programme are described in detail in the respective Course Outlines and the Study Guide, which is updated annually and is posted on the Department’s website.

Students are required to attend the lectures and seminars of the postgraduate courses as specified in the curriculum. Postgraduate courses usually combine lecture with seminar-style development of topics. In the lecture, the lecturer develops the topic followed by a discussion. In the seminar, one or more students are responsible for presenting an issue, elaborating on certain aspects of the lecture and setting the stage for a systematic, in-depth discussion with their peers. The exact cycle of lectures and seminars, together with the suggested bibliography, is indicated in the guide for each course. Graduate students are assessed on the basis of oral participation, seminar presentations and written assignments per course.

A prerequisite for the award of the Postgraduate Degree is the preparation of a Thesis, which is, not restrictively, between 12,000 and 15,000 words in length, excluding footnotes, bibliography and any Appendices. It shall be based on historical, archival or anthropological, fieldwork research, but it may also be based on purely bibliographical research. The thesis shall be publicly defended before the three-member evaluation committee and an audience.


Panopoulos Panagiotis,
Associate Professor

Anastasiadis Vasilis, Professor
Aglaia Chatjouli, Assistant Professor
Pothiti Hantzaroula, Associate Professor
Venetia Kantsa, Professor

Vasilis Anastasiadis, Professor
Aglaia Chatjouli, Assistant Professor (tenured)
Pothiti Hantzaroula, Associate Professor
Venetia Kantsa, Professor
Panagiotis Panopoulos, Associate Professor
Dimitra Vassiliadou, Associate Professor

Evthymios Papataxiarchis, Εmeritus Professor
Paradellis Theodoros, Retired Assistant Professor (tenured)

University Hill, Administration Building 81 100 Mitilini
Tel: +30 22510 36331


1st Semester, Academic Year 2023-2024
Classes start on 02/10/2024
18.00-21.00 SHA-3 Anthropology of Religion, Ritual, and Symbolic Systems SHA-1 Social and Political History of the Ancient World. Politics and Society: Cohesion and Conflict in the Polis-State SHA-2 Theory and History of Contemporary Anthropological Thought
Paradellis Anastasiadis Vasilis Papataxiarchis Evthymios
Δ Geography
Ε Geography
Ε Geography


3rd Semester, Academic Year 2023-2024
Classes start on 02/10/2024
18.00-21.00 SHA-A-1 Ethnography of Greece and Southern Europe SHA-Α-4 Methodological Issues: Anthropological Directions SHA-H-6
A history of private life (18th-20th c.)

Panopoulos Panagiotis

Kantsa Venetia-Panopoulos Panagiotis
Vassiliadou Dimitra
Ε Geography
Ε Geography
ΣΤ Geography
18.00-21.00 SAH-H-4 Methodologies in History and Anthropology

Exertzoglou Charilaos-Hantzaroula Pothiti
ΣΤ Geography


Courses Offered

1st Semester

SHA-7 Anthropology of Kinship and Gender
Kantsa Venetia
SHA-1 Social and Political History of the Ancient World. Politics and Society: Cohesion and Conflict in the Polis-State
Anastasiadis Vasilis
SHA-2 Theory and History of Contemporary Anthropological Thought
Papataxiarchis Evthymios

2nd Semester

SHA-9 Contemporary Research in the Anthropology of Health
Chatjouli Aglaia
SHA-8 Historical Anthropology: Historiographical Approaches and the Poetics of Historical Knowledge
Hantzaroula Pothiti
SHA-3 Anthropology of Religion, Ritual, and Symbolic Systems

3rd Semester (Major: Social Anthropology)

SHA-H-6 A history of private life (18th-20th c.)
Vassiliadou Dimitra
SHA-Α-4 Methodological Issues: Anthropological Directions
Kantsa Venetia & Panopoulos Panagiotis
SHA-A-1 Ethnography of Greece and Southern Europe
Panopoulos Panagiotis

3rd Semester (Major: History)

SHA-H-6 A history of private life (18th-20th c.)
Vassiliadou Dimitra
SAH-H-4 Methodologies in History and Anthropology
Vassiliadou Dimitra & Hantzaroula Pothiti
SHA-A-1 Ethnography of Greece and Southern Europe
Panopoulos Panagiotis

4th Semester

Master’s thesis