Canakis Costas


Academic field: Sociolinguistics

Official Government Gazette, Issue: 1446/06.12.18 τ.Γ

Costas Canakis is Professor of Sociolinguistics and director of the Laboratory for Ethnographic Studies on Language (LESoL) and Graduate Program “Gender, Culture and Society”. After graduating with a BA in English from the University of Athens (1990, summa cum laude) he earned a PhD in Linguistics as a Fulbright & Century Scholar at the University of Chicago (with a thesis entitled “KAI: The Story of a Conjunction”, 1995, supervised by Jerrold Sadock, William F. Hanks & Kostas Kazazis). He subsequently taught at Princeton University (1995-1997) and the Departments of English at the Universities of Athens (1998-2001) and Thessaloniki (2001-2002), before joining the University of the Aegean in 2000. His interests lie at the intersection of sociolinguistics, pragmatics, cognitive linguistics, and anthrolinguistics, as evidenced by his monograph An Introduction to Pragmatics: Cognitive and Social Aspects of Language Use (in Greek, Eikostos Protos, 2007) and the collected volumes Language and Sexuality: (Through and) Beyond Gender (co-edited with V. Kantsa & K Yannakopoulos Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010) and Language and Sexuality: Linguistic and Anthropological Perspectives (in Greek, Eikostos Protos, 2011). His recent research focuses on issues of language and society in the Balkans, notably the indexical relations among language, gender, sexuality, and ethnic/national identity in Balkan linguistic landscapes. Other book length publications include Subjectification: Various Paths to Subjectivity (co-edited with A. Athanasiadou & B. Cornillie, Mouton de Gruyter, 2006). He has lectured extensively as an invited speaker in Universities and Research Institutions in Greece and abroad and has collaborated with the Centre for Greek Language in various capacities (since 1999). Between 2012-2015 he was a member of the “(In)fercit” Excellence Program and in 2015-2106 the recipient of a DFG initiation grant at Institüt für Slawistik at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin for the project entitled “Spray-canned discourses: Investigating language and precarious citizenship in the linguistic landscape of Athens and Belgrade”. He has published in Gender and Language, Constructions and Frames, Journal of Modern Greek Studies, Punctum, BELLS and served as a reviewer for journals such as The Journal of Pragmatics, Constructions and Frames, Language and Communication, The European Journal of Humor Research, Glossologia, Problems of Post-Communism and as a referee for Routledge. He is a member of the editorial board of Gender and Language and The Journal of the Language of Aggression and Conflict and editor (with Th. Paradellis) of Aegean Working Paper in Ethnographic Linguistics (AWPEL).

Papers in press

  • Speech Acts. In G. Giannakis et al. (eds.), Encyclopedia of Greek Language and Linguistics Online
  • Pragmatics. In G. Giannakis et al. (eds.), Encyclopedia of Greek Language and Linguistics Online
  • Συγκρουσιακά γλωσσικά τοπία και χρονοτοπικοί ενδείκτες: Αθήνα και Βελιγράδι. In Selected Papers from the International Conference on Greek Language. Belgrade: University of Belgrade.
  • Intertextual aggression in inscribing solidarity towards refugees in the LL of Mytilene. JLAC – Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict, ειδικό τεύχος “Contemporary Perspectives on Aggression and Conflict in the Linguistic Landscape of the Mediterranean” (Guest editor: C. Canakis).


2007 Εισαγωγή στην πραγματολογία: Γνωστικές και κοινωνικές όψεις της γλωσσικής χρήσης. 2η ανατύπωση 2011. Αθήνα: Εικοστός Πρώτος.

Editor in collected volumes & special issues

  • 2022. Γλώσσα, πανδημία, γλωσσολογία. Ειδικό τεύχος του Aegean Working Papers in Ethnographic Linguistics (AWPEL) 3
  • 2017. Γλώσσα, φύλο και σεξουαλικότητα. Ειδικό τεύχος του Aegean Working Papers in Ethnographic Linguistics (AWPEL) 1
  • 2011.Γλώσσα και σεξουαλικότητα: Γλωσσολογικές και ανθρωπολογικές προσεγγίσεις. Επιμέλεια. Αθήνα: Εικοστός Πρώτος.
  • 2010. Language and Sexuality: (Through and) beyond Gender (επιμ. με V. Kantsa και K. Yannakopoulos). Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • 2006. Subjectification: Various Paths to Subjectivity (επιμ. με Α. Athanasiadou, C. Canakis, B. Cornillie). Βερολίνο – Νέα Υόρκη: CLR Series, Mouton de Gruyter.
  • 1992a. Papers from the 28th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, Vol. 1: The Main Session (επιμ. με G. Chan, J. Marshall Denton). Σικάγο: Chicago Linguistic Society.
  • 1992b. Papers from the 28th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, Vol. 2: The Parasession on the Cycle in Linguistic theory (επιμ. με J. Marshall Denton, G. Chan). Σικάγο: Chicago Linguistic Society.

Journal papers

  • 2022. Γλώσσα, κρίση και δημόσιος λόγος: Γλωσσικό τοπίο, πανδημία και χρονοτόπος. Aegean Working Papers in Ethnographic Linguistics (AWPEL) 3: 314-250.
  • 2019. Review of Rusty Barrett. 2017. From Drag Queens to Leathermen: Language, Gender, and Gay Male Subcultures. New York: Oxford University Press. Journal of Language and Sexuality 8(1): 132-137.
  • 2019. Further advances in linguistic landscape research: Language and identity-work in public space. Punctum 5(1): 264-270.
  • 2018. Contesting identity in the linguistic landscape of Belgrade: An ethnographic approach. Belgrade English Language and Literature Studies 10: 229-258.
  • 2016. Snapshots of the Balkans through ethnographic investigation of the linguistic landscape. Punctum, 2.2, 24-65. Special issue “Semiotics and fieldwork: Critical ethnographies” (invited contribution).
  • 2015a. Non-quantifiying lίγo constructions in Modern Greek. Constructions and Frames 7(1): 47-78.
  • 2015b. The desire for identity and the identity of desire: Gender, language, and sexuality in the Greek context. Gender and Language 9(1): 59-81.

Papers in collected volumes and conference proceedings

  • 2024. Attitudes to language. In G. Giannakis et al. (eds.), Encyclopedia of Greek Language and Linguistics Online
  • 2024. Implicature. In G. Giannakis et al. (eds.), Encyclopedia of Greek Language and Linguistics Online
  • 2022. Γλώσσα, φύλο και σεξουαλικότητα. Στο Δ. Γούτσος & Σ. Μπέλλα (επιμ.), Κοινωνιογλωσσολογία. Αθήνα: Gutenberg, 163-197.
  • Μ. Γεωργαλίδου & Κ. Κανάκης. 2022. Ανάλυση λόγου. Στο Μ. Λεκάκου & Ν. Τοπιντζή (επιμ.), Εισαγωγή στη γλωσσολογία. Αθήνα: Gutenberg, 314-362.
  • 2022. Γλώσσα, κρίση και δημόσιος λόγος: Το γλωσσικό τοπίο τη πανδημίας. AWPEL 3, ειδικό τεύχος «Γλώσσα και πανδημία: Covid-19» .
  • 2022. Indexing chronotopes: An ethnographic approach of the changing linguistic landscape of Mytilene. Στο Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Greek Linguistics. Πάτρα: Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών.
  • 2021. Indexing chronotopes: An ethnographic approach of the changing linguistic landscape of Mytilene. Στο Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Greek Linguistics. Πάτρα: Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών.
  • Kotzoglou & C. Canakis. 2021. On some properties of complementizer ke (and its siblings). Στο Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Greek Linguistics. Πάτρα: Πανεπιστήμιο.
  • 2020. Κ. Κανάκης & Γ. Κοτζόγλου. Το ΚΑΙ ως πραγματολογικό μόριο υπόταξης. Στο Θ.-Σ. Παυλίδου (επιμ.), Πραγματολογικά μόρια στην ελληνική και άλλες γλώσσες. Θεσσαλονίκη: ΙΝΣ, 117-140.
  • 2019. Grammaticalized non-quantifying constructions in Greek, BCMS, and Albanian. Στο Χρ. Τζιτζιλής & Γ. Παπαναστασίου (επιμ.), Γλωσσικές επαφές στα Βαλκάνια και στη Μ. Ασία/Language Contact in the Balkans and Asia Minor . Θεσσαλονίκη: ΙΝΣ, 2019, 81-96.
  • 2018. Categorization and indexicality. In K. Hall & R. Barrett (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Language and Sexuality. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Ηλεκτρονική προεκτύπωση DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190212926.013.9
  • 2017a. The linguistic landscape of Stadiou Street in Athens: An ethnographic approach of the linguistic appropriation of contested space. In D. Papadopoulou et al. (eds.), Studies in Greek Linguistics 37, Thessaloniki: Institouto Neoellinikon Spoudon, 165-180.
  • 2017b. Talking about same-sex parenthood in contemporary Greece: Dynamic categorization and indexicality. In Thanasis Georgakopoulos et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 12th InternationalConference on Greek Linguistics. Berlin: Romiosini (CEMOG, Frei Universität).
  • 2016. Canakis, C. & Kersten-Pejanić, R. Spray-canned Discourses: Reimagining Gender, Sexuality, and Citizenship through Linguistic Landscapes in the Balkans. In S. Goll, M. Mlinarić, & J. Gold (eds.), Minorities under Attack: Othering and Right-Wing Extremismin Southeast European Societies. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 129-159.
  • 2015a. Ο λόγος της ομόφυλης ανδρικής γονεϊκότητας στην Ελλάδα: Μία πρώτη προσέγγιση. Στο Β. Καντσά (επιμ.), Μεταβαλόμενες σχέσεις: Συγγένεια και ιατρικώς υποβοηθούμενη αναπαραγωγή. Αθήνα: Αλεξάνδρεια & (In)FERCIT,  247-264.
  • 2015b. Αφηγήσεις για την ομόφυλη γονεϊκότητα: Η συνομιλιακή διαπραγμάτευση της έμφυλης και σεξουαλικής ταυτότητας σε σχέση με την αναπαραγωγή. In Θ.-Σ. Παυλίδου (επιμ.), Η ελληνική γλώσσα στην προφορική επικοινωνία. Θεσσαλονίκη: Ίδρυμα Νεολληνικών Σπουδών
  • 2014. Αρχή τη συνεργασίας και γλωσσικές πράξεις. Στο Μ. Γεωργαλίδου, Μ. Σηφιανού & Β. Τσάκωνα (επιμ.), Ανάλυση λόγου: Θεωρία και εφαρμογές. Αθήνα: Νήσος, 37-79.
  • 2013. The “national body”: Language and sexuality in the Balkan national narrative. In F. Tsibiridou & N. Palantzas (eds.), Myths of the Other in the Balkans: Representations, Social Practices, Performances. Thessaloniki: University of Macedonia, 305-320.


Undergraduate Courses

L-302 Language, Culture and Society
special background, specialised general knowledge
W/S-089 Discourse Analysis
special background, specialised general knowledge
W/S-070 Linguistic Landscape
Specialized general knowledge

Graduate Courses

GCS-2 Language, gender, and sexuality
MA in Gender, Culture, and Society

Courses taught

L-310 Elements of Pragmatics: Language in use (elective course)
W/S-017 Language mythologies: Language and nationalism (elective seminar)
W/S-034 Pragmatics (elective seminar)
W/S-071 Deixis and indexicality (elective seminar)
W/S-048 Issues in Sociolinguistics: Language, gender and sexuality in the Balkans (elective seminar)
W/S-051 Anthropological linguistics (elective seminar)
W/S-046 The structure of Serbo-Croatian: A sociolinguistic approach (elective seminar)
GCS-2 Language, gender, and sexuality (graduate course, MA in Gender, Culture, and Society)


L-302 Language, Culture and Society
special background, specialised general knowledge
W/S-089 Discourse Analysis
special background, specialised general knowledge
W/S-070 Linguistic Landscape
Specialized general knowledge

Postgraduate Courses

GCS-2 Language, gender, and sexuality
Canakis Costas