2023 Gender and Sexual Relations in Europe (12th-18th century): Ideals, Practices, Representations, Athens, Kallipos, Open Academic Editions [in Greek]. Available at:
2023 (co-edited with R. Benveniste and A. Dialeti), The Local, the Global and the Transnational in European History: Mobilities, Encounters and Hierarchies, Athens, Themelio [in Greek]. (forthcoming)
2019 (co-edited with D. Vasiliadou, Y. Yannitsiotis, A. Dialeti), Masculinities: Representations, Subjectivities and Practices from Medieval to Modern Times, Athens, Gutenberg [in Greek].
2015 (co-authored with A. Dialeti and A. Poupou), History of Venice and the Venetian Empire, 11th-18th century: Society, Economy, Culture [e-book], Athens, Hellenic Academic Libraries Link [in Greek].
Available at:
2023 “Centre-Periphery and the Global Early Modern: Some Historiographical Reflections”, Historein, 21.2 (forthcoming).
2022 “Population, Urban Space and the Rhetoric of Crisis: Venice and London (15th-18th century)”, in C. Gaganakis, Nikoletta Giantsi-Meletiadi, et al. (ed), European Cities in Crisis. From the Middle Ages to the Present, Athens, Herodotos: 247-270 [in Greek].
2020 “’La nouvelle Cythère’: Premodern Sex, Colonial Expansion and the Politics of Interpretation” in D. Vasiliadou and G. Gotsi (ed), Histories of Sexuality, Athens, Themelio: 318-336 [in Greek].
2019 “Reading Inquisition Documents from the Perspective of Cultural History: Some Venetian Examples”, in Gerassimos D. Pagratis (ed.), Le fonti della storia dell’Italia preunitaria: casi di studio per la loro analisi e “valorizzazione”, Athens, Papazissis Publishers: 625-650.
2019 (with D. Vasiliadou, Y. Yannitsiotis, A. Dialeti), “Masculinities and History: A Historiographical Review”, in D. Vasiliadou, Y. Yannitsiotis, A. Dialeti, G. Plakotos (ed.), Masculinities: Representations, Subjectivities and Practices from Medieval to Modern Times, Athens, Gutenberg: 11-101 [in Greek].
2019 “Under the Others’ Gaze: Masculinity and Travel, 13th-18th centuries”, in D. Vasiliadou, Y. Yannitsiotis, A. Dialeti, G. Plakotos (ed.), Masculinities: Representations, Subjectivities and Practices from Medieval to Modern Times, Athens, Gutenberg: 383-410 [in Greek].
2018 “Interrogating Conversion: Discourses and Practices in the Venetian Inquisition (16th-17th Centuries)”, in Katherine Aron-Beller and Christopher F. Black (ed.), The Roman Inquisition: Centre versus Peripheries, Leiden, Brill: 268-300.
2018 “The Reformation and the Dawn of Modernity? Reviving the Past, Utopia and Heterotopia in Reform Movements”, in S. Zoumboulakis (ed.) Luther and the Reformation, Athens: 77-109 [in Greek].
2017 (with H. Benveniste) “Converting Bodies, Embodying Conversion: The Production of Religious Identities in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe”, in Yaniv Fox and Yosi Yisraeli (ed.), Contesting Inter-Religious Conversion in the Medieval World, London and New York, Routledge: 245-267.
2016 “Diasporas, Space and Imperial Subjecthood in Early Modern Venice: A Comparative Perspective”, Diasporas. Circulations, migrations, histoire, 28. Special Issue: Anouche Kunth and Marie-Carmen Smyrnelis (ed.), Scènes urbaines: Èchelles, temporalités, trajectoires: 37-53. Available at:
2015 (with A. Dialeti) “Gender, Space and the Production of Difference in Early Modern Venice”, Genesis. Rivista della Società Italiana delle Storiche, 14.2, Special Issue: Anna Badino, Ida Fazio and Fiorella Imprenti (ed.), Attraverso le città: 33-58.
2014 “Islam, Gender and Hierarchies in English Renaissance Drama: Revisiting the Sherley Brothers’ ‘Exploits’”, Ta istorika / Historica, 60: 125-164 [in Greek].
2010 “La mise au ban ‘interne’ de l’autre: les perceptions du crypto-judaïsme et l’Inquisition à Venise à la Renaissance”, in Yan Brailowsky and Pascale Drouet (ed.), Le bannissement et l’exil en Europe aux XVIe et XVIIe siècle, Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes: 31-42.
2009 “Rumours, Gossip and Crypto-Jewish Identity in the Sixteenth-Century Venetian Inquisition”, Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Lettere e Filosofia, s. 5th, 1/2, Special issue: Inquisizioni: 425-443.
2007 “Deviance, Conformity and Gender in the Venetian Inquisition (16th-17th century)”, Ta istorika / Historica, 46: 89-128 [in Greek].
2005 “Christian and Muslim Converts from the Balkans in Early Modern Venice: Patterns of Social and Cultural Mobility and Identities”, in Raymond Detrez and Pieter Plas (ed.), Developing Cultural Identity in the Balkans: Convergence vs. Divergence, Brussels, P.I.E.-Peter Lang: 125-145.
Book Reviews
2021 Benjamin G. Kohl, Andrea Mozzato, Monique O’Connell, The Rulers of Venice, 1332–1524. (Database American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS), New York, 2013. Renaissance and Reformation / Renaissance et Réforme, 44.1: 157-160 & Early Modern Digital Review, 4.1.
2017 Rotem Kowner, From White to Yellow: The Japanese in European Racial Thought, 1300-1735, McGill-Queen’s University Press, Montreal, 2014. The Sixteenth Century Journal, 48.2: 531-533.
2015 Jo Ann Cavallo, The World beyond Europe in the Romance Epics of Boiardo and Ariosto, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 2013. The Sixteenth Century Journal, 46.3: 818-820.
2014 Pierre Birnbaum, A Tale of Ritual Murder in the Age of Louis XIV: The Trial of Raphaël Lévy, 1669, Stanford University Press, Stanford, 2012. Historein: A Review of the Past and Other Stories, 14.2:133-136.
2014 Jerry Toner, Homer’s Turk: How Classics Shaped Ideas of the East, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2013. Canadian Journal of History/ Annales Canadiennes d’Histoire, 49.1:168-170.
2010 Jeffrey Watt, The Scourge of Demons: Possession, Lust and Witchcraft in a Seventeenth-Century Italian Convent, University of Rochester Press, Rochester, NY, 2009. Canadian Journal of History / Annales Canadiennes d’Histoire, 45.2: 365-367.