Learning Outcome:
Upon completion of the lectures and the study of the course material, the students:
- will be familiar with the basic methodological principles and directions of anthropology and social sciences.
- will have developed research skills through the analysis and processing of bibliographical sources, theoretical issues, methodological questions and directions in ethnographic research.
- will be able to design their own ethnographic research based on theoretical, methodological and empirical competence and originality.
General Competences:
- Individual work.
- Teamwork.
- Learning, understanding, and working within an interdisciplinary environment.
- Work with new and innovative research ideas.
- Respect for diversity and cultural difference.
- Critical and self-critical thinking.
The course deals with methodological concepts and tools of anthropology. In the various modules of the course, we discuss broader methodological issues concerning the collection and analysis of research data through the methods of participant observation, interviews and the approach of archival sources, while at the same time lecturers from the Department and other Departments refer to specific methodological issues with reference to their own research.
The structure of the course
The course consists of twelve lectures divided in three sections. The first section, consisting of four lectures common to the anthropological and historical direction, deals with general issues of research methodology in the fields of anthropology and history. In the second section, consisting of six anthropological lectures which are taught by an equal number of lecturers, the students of the anthropological direction come into contact with, discuss and analyse specific research examples, while in the third section they are invited to prepare a short research proposal.
Course Sections:
- Introduction to the course.
- Ethnography: From Malinowski’s legacy to multispecies ethnography (Venetia Kantsa).
- The making of “scientific history” and the crisis of historical discourse (Haris Exertzoglou).
- Critique of representation and multimodal ethnography (Panos Panopoulos).
- Viral trauma and oral history (Pothiti Hantzaroula).
- Anthropology and art (Panos Panopoulos).
- Gender as an analytical approach in anthropology (Venetia Kantsa).
- Anthropological research on vulnerable populations (Evthymios Papataxiarchis).
- Anthropological research in health care settings (Aigli Chatzouli).
- Silence, discourse, performance: Methods and concepts for the study of memory of the transatlantic slave trade, forced labour and other traumatic experiences in sub-saharan Africa (Emilios Tsekenis).
- Ethnographic approaches to sexuality (Venetia Kantsa – Aspa Chalkidou)
- Preparing for field research I.
- Preparing the field research II.
Weekly reading:
Ethnography: From Malinowski’s legacy to multispecies ethnography (Venetia Kantsa).
- Nader, Laura. 2011. “Ethnography as theory”. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 1(1): 211-219.
- Harrison, Anthony Kwane. 2014. “Ethnography”. Σε Patricia Leavy (επιμ.) The Oxford Handbook of Qualitative Research, 223-253. Οξφόρδη: Oxford University Press.
- Roldán, Arturo Alvarez. 2002. “Writing ethnography. Malinowski’s fieldnotes on Baloma”. Social Anthropology 10(3): 377-393.
- Kirksey, Eben, Stefan Helmreich. 2010. “The emergence of multispecies ethnography”. Cultural Anthropology. 25 (4): 545-576.
- The making of “scientific history” and the crisis of historical discourse (Haris Exertzoglou).
Mandatory reading :
- Bentley Michael, “The Turn towards ‘Science’. Historians Delivering Untheorized Truth”, Nancy Partner (επιμ), The Sage Handbook of Historical Theory, 2013, 10-21.
- Lutz Raphael, “The Implications of Empiricism in History, Nancy Partner (επιμ)
The Sagε Handbook of Historical Theory, 2013, 22-40.
Suggested bibliography
- Gupta, Ranajit, History at the limit of World history, Columbia University Press, 2002
- Munz Peter, “The Historical Narrative”, Michael Bentley, Companion to Historiography,1997, 883-853
- White Hayden, “The Westernization of World history” John Rusen (επιμ) , Western Historical Thinking, Bergham Books 2001
- Critique of representation and multimodal ethnography (Panos Panopoulos).
- Καλαντζής, Κωνσταντίνος. 2013. «Οπτικός πολιτισμός και ανθρωπολογία». Στο Υλικός πολιτισμός: Η ανθρωπολογία στη χώρα των πραγμάτων. Γιαλούρη, Ελεάνα (επιμ.). Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Αλεξάνδρεια.
- Marcus, George E. & Michael M. J. Fischer. 2016 [1986] Η ανθρωπολογία ως κριτική του πολιτισμού: Μια πειραματική στιγμή στις επιστήμες του ανθρώπου. Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Ηριδανός.
- Skyros Carnival. Φωτογραφίες: Dick Blau, Κείμενο: Αγάπη Αμανατίδη και Παναγιώτης Πανόπουλος, CD + DVD: Steven Feld. Σάντα Φε, Νιου Μέξικο: VoxLox.
- Πανόπουλος, Παναγιώτης & Γιώργος Σαμαντάς. 2021. «σε τό τον τοπo οτ΄ εχουνε κουδουνι να (λ)αλιση» (Ηχοτοπία από το Φιλώτι της Νάξου/ Soundscapes from Philoti, Naxos). Athens, London: Rekem 17, CD/DL. Ηχογραφήσεις: Άνοιξη-Καλοκαίρι 2016-2017.
Viral trauma and oral history (Pothiti Hantzaroula).
Mandatory reading :
- Pinchevski, Amit, «The Audiovisual Unconscious: Media and Trauma in the Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies», Critical Inquiry (2012), 39, 1: 142-166.
- Bibliography :
- Aleida Assmann, «History, Memory, and the Genre of the Testimony», Poetics Today (2006), 27, 2: 265, https://doi.org/10.1215.03335372-2005-003.
- Sara Jones, «Mediated Immediacy: Constructing Authentic Testimony in Audio-Visual Media», Rethinking History (2017), 21, 2: 143-144, https://doi.org/10.1080/13642529.2017.1305726
- Felman, Soshana, «Education and Crisis, or the Vicissitudes of Teaching». Στο Soshana Felman και Dori Laub, Testimony: Crises of Witnessing in Literature, Psychoanalysis, and History (Νέα Υόρκη και Λονδίνο: Routledge, 1992), 1–56.
- Hartmann, Geoffrey, «Learning from Survivors: The Yale Testimony Project», Holocaust and Genocide Studies (1995), 9, 2: 192–207.
Anthropology and art (Panos Panopoulos).
- Ρίκου, Ελπίδα. 2013. «Εισαγωγή: Προτάσεις για μια ανθρωπολογία των σύγχρονων εικαστικών τεχνών». Στο Ανθρωπολογία και σύγχρονη τέχνη. Ρίκου, Ελπίδα (επιμ.). Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Αλεξάνδρεια.
- Foster, Hal. 2013. «Ο καλλιτέχνης ως εθνογράφος». Στο Ανθρωπολογία και σύγχρονη τέχνη. Ρίκου, Ελπίδα (επιμ.). Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Αλεξάνδρεια.
- Panopoulos, Panayotis. 2021. “Deaf Voices/ Deaf Art: Vocality Through and Beyond Sound and Sign”. Journal of Interdisciplinary Voice Studies. Special Issue on “Ventriloquism”, edited by Josephine Hoegaerts & Mari Wiklund. 6 (1): 9-26.
- Panopoulos, Panayotis. 2018. “Vocal Letters: A Migrant’s Family Records from the 1950s and the Phonographic Production and Reproduction of Memory”. Entanglements: Experiments in Multimodal Ethnography 1 (2): 30-51.
Gender as an analytical approach in anthropology (Venetia Kantsa).
- Strathern, Marilyn. 1987. “An Awkward Relationship. The Case of Feminism and Anthropology”. Στο Signs 12: 2, p.p.276-292.
- Καντσά, Βενετία. 2011. «Το φύλο ως πεδίο επιστημολογικής αναζήτησης». Στο Β. Καντσά, Β. Μουτάφη, Ε, Παπαταξιάρχης (επιμ.) Μελέτες για το φύλο στην ανθρωπολογία και την ιστορία, 9-16. Αθήνα: Αλεξάνδρεια.
- Καντσά και Κώστας Γιαννακόπουλος. 2021. «Η ακαδημαϊκή εμπειρία του φύλου: Μια αναστοχαστική προσέγγιση με αφορμή ένα πρόγραμμα μεταπτυχιακών σπουδών στο Πανεπιστήμιο Αιγαίου». Αφιέρωμα στο https://feministiqa.net/about/
- Harding, Sandra. 1987. “Is There a Feminist Method?” & “Conclusion: Epistemological Questions”. Στο Feminism & Methodology, ed. Sandra Harding, p.p. 1-14, 181-190. Indiana University Press: Bloomington and Indianapolis.
- Ιγγλέση., Χρυσή. 2001. «Μέθοδοι και Υποκειμενικότητες». Στο Ο Αναστοχασμός στη Φεμινιστική Έρευνα. Σκιαγράφηση μιας Αμφίθυμης Σχέσης, σ.σ. 15-98. Εκδ. Οδυσσέας: Αθήνα.
- Moore, Henrietta. 1988. Feminism and Anthropology. Ch. 1 “Feminism and Anthropology: The Story of a Relationship”, p.p. 1-11 και ch.6 “Feminist Anthropology: What Difference Does It Make?”. Polity Press: Cambridge.
Anthropological research in health care settings (Aigli Chatzouli).
- Χατζούλη, Α. 2012. Θαλασσαιμικές ζωές. Βιολογική διαφορά, κανονικότητα, βιοκοινωνικότητα. Μια ανθρωπολογική προσέγγιση. Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Πατάκη. [Κεφ. 1: 15-21, κεφ. 2: 75-97].
- Kleinmann, A. 1992. Local Worlds of Suffering: An Interpersonal Focus for Ethnographies of Illness Experience. Qualitative Health Research 2(2): 127-134.
- Dilger, H., S. Huschke & D. Mattes, 2014. Ethics, Epistemology, and Engagement: Encountering Values in Medical Anthropology. Medical Anthropology. Cross-Cultural Studies in Health and Illness, Vol. 34: 1–10 [https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/gmea20/34/1]
- Marcus, G. E., 1995. ETHNOGRAPHY IN/OF THE WORLD SYSTEM: The emergence of Multi-Sited Ethnography, Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 24: 95-117
- Nichter, M., 2006. Anthropology and Global Health: Reflections of a Scholar-Activist. India Review, vol. 5: 343-371.
- Pfeiffer J. and M. Nichter, 2008. What Can Critical Medical Anthropology Contribute to Global Health? A Health Systems Perspective. Medical Anthropology Quarterly, New Series, Vol. 22, No. 4 (Dec., 2008), pp. 410-415.
- Sobo, E. J. 2011. “Medical Anthropology in Disciplinary Context: Definitional Struggles and Key Debates (or Answering the Cri Du Coeur)”. In A Companion to Medical Anthropology Merrill Singer & Pamela I. Erickson.
- Fainzang, S. 2014. Anthropology, Ethical Dissonance, and the Construction of the Object. Medical Anthropology. Cross-Cultural Studies in Health and Illness, Vol. 34:11-23.
- Montgomery, A., 2014. Voice, Boundary Work, and Visibility in Research on Sex Work in Morocco. Medical Anthropology. Cross-Cultural Studies in Health and Illness, Vol. 34: 24-38.
- Thomas, S. 2014. Emotion Work, Ethnography, and Survival Strategies on the Streets of Yogyakarta. Medical Anthropology. Cross-Cultural Studies in Health and Illness, Vol. 34: 84-97.
- Burchardt, M., 2019. Narratives as Theory and Method. SAGE Publications Ltd. Online DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781526421036
Silence, discourse, performance: Methods and concepts for the study of memory of the transatlantic slave trade, forced labour and other traumatic experiences in sub-saharan Africa (Emilios Tsekenis).
- Τσεκένης, Αιμίλιος. 2020. Η Αφρική και οι ανθρωπολογίες της. Αποικιακές και μετα-αποικιακές εθνογραφίες. Πατάκης: Αθήνα:Κεφάλαιο 10: Κανίβαλοι, ζόμπι και η διαμόρφωση μιας αφρικανικής νεωτερικότητας: 420-456.
- Argenti, Nicolas. 2007. The Intestines of the State: Youth, Violence, and Belated Histories in the Cameroon Grassfields. Chicago – London: University of Chicago Press. Κεφάλαιο 1: Centuries of Youth: Remembering, Incorporation, and the Reclamation of History: 1-32.
- Argenti, Nicolas. 2006. Remembering the Future: Slavery, youth and masking in the Cameroon Grassfields. Social Anthropology, 14 (1): 49-69.
- Argenti, Nicolas. 2007. The Intestines of the State: Youth, Violence, and Belated Histories in the Cameroon Grassfields. Chicago – London: University of Chicago Press. Κεφάλαιο 4: Aurora colonialis: German Imperialism and the Modernity of Slavery: 93-120.
- Argenti, Nicolas. 2007. The Intestines of the State: Youth, Violence, and Belated Histories in the Cameroon Grassfields. Chicago – London: University of Chicago Press. Κεφάλαιο 9: Histories of the Present, Histories of the Future: 242-255.
- Argenti, Nicolas. 2011. Things of the ground: children’s medicine, motherhood and memory in the Cameroon Grassfields. Africa 81 (2): 269-294.
- Shaw, Rosalind. 2002. Memories of the Slave Trade: Ritual and the Historical Imagination in Sierre Leone. Chicago – London: University of Chicago Press. Εισαγωγή: 1-24.
- Tsékénis, Emile. 2015. ‘Children are the Food sent by God’: Culinary Imagery and the Making of Persons in the Cameroon Grassfields. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 21 (2): 330-351.
- Tsékénis, Emile. 2016. Cooking, swallowing, chewing: ‘culinary semiotics’ and the political economy of witchcraft in the Cameroon Grassfields. Punctum. International Journal of Semiotics 2 (2): 85-105.
Ethnographic approaches to sexuality (Venetia Kantsa – Aspa Chalkidou)
- Βασιλειάδου, Δήμητρα. 2015. «Όταν η ιστορία του φύλου συνάντησε την ιστορία της οικογένειας», στο Γ. Γκότση, Ν. Διαλέτη, Ε. Φουρναράκη (επιμ.), Το φύλο στην Ιστορία: Αποτιμήσεις και παραδείγματα, Ασίνη, Αθήνα, σ. 189-208.
- Καυταντζόγλου, Ρωξάνη. 1988. «Η Ιστορία της Οικογένειας στην Ελλάδα. Μερικά Προβλήματα Μεθόδου». Στο Επιθεώρηση Κοινωνικών Ερευνών, τ. 69 : 225-241.
- Argyrou, Vasos. 1996. Tradition and Modernity in the Mediterranean. The Wedding as Symbolic Struggle. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.
- Delap, Lucy, Ben Griffin, and Abigail Wills (ed.). 2009. The Politics of Domestic Authority in Britain since 1800. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Καντσά, Βενετία 2007. «Σχέσεις οικογενειακές, σχέσεις ομόφυλες. Διευρύνσεις και επανασημασιοδοτήσεις της οικογένειας». Στο Νίκος Χατζητρύφων και Θεανώ Παπαζήση (επιμ.) Το φύλο και η συμπεριφορά του, 143-160. Θεσσαλονίκη: Εκδ. Επίκεντρο.
- Καυταντζόγλου, Ρωξάνη (επιμ.) 1996. Οικογένειες του Παρελθόντος. Μορφές Οικιακής Οργάνωσης στην Ευρώπη και τα Βαλκάνια. Αλεξάνδρεια: Αθήνα.
- Leonore Davidoff, and Catherine Hall. 2002. Family Fortunes: Men and Women of the English Middle Class 1780-1850, 2nd ed. Routledge.
- Παπαταξιάρχης, Ευθύμιος και Θόδωρος Παραδέλλης. 1993. Ανθρωπολογία και Παρελθόν. Συμβολές στην Κοινωνική Ιστορία της Νεότερης Ελλάδας Εκδ. Αλεξάνδρεια: Αθήνα.
- Piault, Colette. 1994. Οικογένεια και Περιουσία στην Ελλάδα και την Κύπρο. Βιβλιοπωλείον της Εστίας: Αθήνα.
- Sant Cassia P. Bada C. 1991. The Making of the Modern Greek Family. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.
- Stearns, Peter N. 2019. “In Private. The Individual and the Domestic Community.” In Susan J. Matt (ed.), A Cultural History of the Emotions in the Age of Romanticism, Revolution, and Empire. London; New York; Oxford; New Delhi; Sydney: Bloomsbury Academic.
- Τεάζη-Αντωνακοπούλου. 1987. “Η μελέτη της οικογένειας από κοινωνικο-ιστορικής και ανθρωπολογικής σκοπιάς”. Στο Ελληνική Κοινωνία. Επετηρίς του Κέντρου Ερεύνης της Ελληνικής Κοινωνίας, 43-67. Ακαδημία Αθηνών.
- Tosh, John. 1999. A Man’s Place. Masculinity and the Middle-Class Home in Victorian England. Yale University Press.