Non-Governmental Organizations And The ‘Refugee Crisis’ In The Aegean: Institutionalized Sociality In The Production Of Humanitarian Work
Principal Investigator: Evthymios Papataxiarchis
Τhe research focuses on the study of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) that currently operate on Lesvos. It approaches them as different modes of collective action and seeks to highlight their culturally defined character.
In particular, the research starts with a systematic recording of the totality of Non-Governmental Organizations operating currently on Lesvos and focuses on four of them, which are studied in depth, in the field and “from below”. These collectives are selected on the basis of two central axes: one, which concerns the organizations’ experience in the management of humanitarian “crises” and a second, connected with their countries of origin. The purpose of the research is to systematically analyse and discuss issues relating to: the forms of sociality that develop between humanitarian actors within each organization but also between the members of different organizations, the discourses on collective action and on the management of the refugee issue, as well the relations that the particular NGOs as collective subjects and/ or their individual members form (or do not form) with the local community of Lesvos.
Principal Investigator
Evthymios Papataxiarchis, Professor of Social Anthropology, Department of Social Anthropology and History, University of the Aegean
Research team
Maria Doukakarou, Postdoc Researcher in Social Anthropology, Department of Social Anthropology and History, University of the Aegean.
This research is co-financed by Greece and the European Union (European Social Fund- ESF) through the Operational Programme «Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning» in the context of the project “Reinforcement of Postdoctoral Researchers – 2nd Cycle” (MIS-5033021), implemented by the State Scholarships Foundation (ΙΚΥ).
Settling In The ‘Humanitarian City’: The Social, Cultural, And Political Impact Of The Interaction Between Asylum Seekers, Agents Of Humanitarian Governance And Local Society (In Lesvos And Athens) (Humancity)
Principal Investigator: Evthymios Papataxiarchis
The HUMANcITY research project examines the regime of humanitarian governance that was formed in 2005 to deal with the “humanitarian crisis”, by focusing on the issue of housing/settlement/integration of asylum seekers in Lesvos and Athens. Humanitarian governance is being studied as a field of social and cultural interaction and political negotiation between asylum seekers, private and public or individual and collective humanitarian actors, and, finally, local societies. The osmoses between the mechanisms of humanitarian governance and local societies are being studied in three different geographical locations, which correspond to respective stages in the migratory journey within Greek territory: Scala Sykamnias, a first reception settlement in Lesvos; the border city of Mytilene; and Athens, the Greek capital. In this way, the project follows the course and the transformation from the “humanitarian village” to the “humanitarian city”. Furthermore, it compares different models of settlement of incoming refugees and migrants, while examining the different impact of these models on the various parties involved in the humanitarian regime. Finally, it studies the social and political impact of interaction in terms of both formal or informal patterns of sociality (“hospitality”, “solidarity”, or “aid”) and the various ethno-culturally defined perceptions of those engaged in the “humanitarian city”. The project will also contain a dynamic interactive atlas, which will map the humanitarian landscape of Lesvos, and will be uploaded on the Archive of the Observatory of the Refugee and Migration Crisis in the Aegean.
Principal Investigator
Evthymios Papataxiarchis, Professor, Social Anthropology and History Department, University of the Aegean
Research team
Research Consultants:
- Dimitris Ballas, Professor in Economic Geography, University of Groningen
- Heath Cabot, Associate Professor in Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh
- Maria Kastrinou, Lecturer in Anthropology, Brunel University
- Effie Plexousaki, Assistant Professor in Anthropology, Social Anthropology and History Department, University of the Aegean
- Katerina Rozakou, Assistant Professor in Anthropology, Social Anthropology Department, Panteion University
- Penelope Topali, Assistant Professor in Anthropology, Social Anthropology and History Department, University of the Aegean
- Marica Rombou-Levidi, Social Anthropologist, Post-doctoral Researcher, University of the Aegean
- Pafsanias Karathanasis, Social Anthropologist, Post-doctoral Researcher, University of the Aegean
- Alexandra Zavos, Associate Professor in Sociology, University of Crete
- Ervin Shehu, Doctoral Candidate, Social Anthropology and History Department, University of the Aegean
Graphic Design:
- Elisavet Kelidou, Graphic Design Instructor, Doctoral Candidate, Cultural
- Technology and Communication Department, University of the Aegean
Institutional partners
- University of Groningen
- University of Pittsburgh
- Brunel University
Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (ELIDEK). First Call for H.F.R.I.’s Research Projects to Support Faculty Members and Researchers and Produce High-Value Research Equipment
34 months, 17/12/2019-17/10/2022
Καραθανάσης, Παυσανίας. 2020. «ΚΥΤ Μόριας 2020: Ανάμεσα στο ‘Hotspot’ και τον ‘καταυλισμό-πόλη’»
Digital Repository Of The Obsevatory Of The Refugee And Migration Crisis In The Aegean
Principal Investigator : Effie Plexousaki
Part of the University of the Aegean project, ‘e- Aegean Repository for Refugees, Digital Transformation in North Aegean with Culture and Tourism’.
The project aims at the digitalization of the Archive of the Refugee and Migration Crisis in the Aegean. More specifically it aims at:
- the re-organization of the archival material of the selected material
- the recruitment of personnel to be employed in the field of classification and electronic digitization of material
- upgrading the logistical infrastructure with the purchase of special equipment
- organizing events aiming at the promotion of the work produced
More specifically, the inclusion of the Archive in the action “Supporting Regional Excellence” will allow the search for archives to be expanded via the use of different and more primary and secondary sources so far identified. It will also help to improve and deepen the documentation with the employment of additional parameters in the recording and the formation of even more sophisticated research tools, in both English and Greek, such as catalogs of printed files through open software and indexes that will better serve interested researchers in their searches. In addition, a place to host the archival material will be created, with the appropriate conditions for its maintenance, archiving and retrieval. In this space, visitors will be able to consult the archival material and will be guided by experts regarding their search. Furthermore, these advanced tools, with the application of advanced international documentation standards, will be included in collective international catalogs and will place the Refugee and Migrant Crisis Archive in an important dialogue with the international scientific community and other corresponding European bodies.
Scientific supervisor:
Effie Plexousaki, Assistant Professor in Anthropology, Social Anthropology and History Department, University of the Aegean
Research Team
Effie Plexousaki, Assistant Professor in Anthropology, Social Anthropology and History Department, University of the Aegean.
Evthymios Papataxiarchis, Professor of Social Anthropology, Department of Social Anthropology and History, University of the Aegean, Scientific Supervisor of the Observatory of the Refugee and Migration Crisis.
Nadina Livaditi, PhD Candidate in the Department of Social Anthropology and History, University of the Aegean.
Eleni Loukou, Archivist, Head of the Jesuit Archive and Library.
Katerina Zwgrafou. Permanent Staff at the State General Archive.
Panagiotis Geros, Postdoc Researcher, Κατερίνα Ζωγράφου (μόνιμο προσωπικό στα Γενικά Αρχεία του Κράτους) και ο Παναγιώτης Γέρος, Department of Social Anthropology and History, University of the Aegean.
The research team will be completed with the recruitment of two other researchers.
- National Documentation Center
- University of Pittsburgh
- University of Sussex
- University of Amsterdam
- University of Helsinki
EPAnEK ESPA (2014-2020). Program “Competitiveness Entrepreneurship and Innovation”
Επιχειρησιακό Πρόγραμμα «Ανταγωνιστικότητα Επιχειρηματικότητα και Καινοτομία»
November 2019-April 2023
ENCOUNTERS through art, ethnography and pedagogy
Principal Investigator for the University of the Aegean: Panagiotis Panopoulos
A collaborative research and teaching project between anthropologists, artists, and pedagogues, aiming at the production of original research and teaching methodologies that combine ethnographic fieldwork with site-specific artistic practices, in a graduate summer course that takes place every year in Lesvos.
Principal Investigator for the University of the Aegean
Panagiotis Panopoulos, Associate Professor, Department of Social Anthropology and History, University of the Aegean
Research team
- Arts Cabinet (Arts organization, UK)
- Ethnofest (Athens international ethnographic film festival, Greece)
- Raketa (Artist group, Sweden)
- University of Agder (Coordinating partner, Norway)
- University of Amsterdam (Τhe Netherlands)
- University of the Aegean (Greece)
ERASMUS +, Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, KA203 – Strategic Partnerships for higher education.
NO01 Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education.
05/10/2020 – 31/08/2022
Advancing Alternative Migration Governance – ADMINGOV
Principal Investigator for the University of the Aegean: Evthymios Papataxiarchis
ADMIGOV aims to promote an alternative migration governance model and takes seriously the principles laid out in the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 (2015), the New York Declaration (2016) and later UN documents. We study how alternative approaches to migration governance can be better designed and put into practice. However, rather than proposing a top-down study of existing migration policies, ADMIGOV studies the reality of existing polices and practices on the ground to improve migration governance in line with the principles set out by the UN.
This is the unique analytical feature of ADMIGOV. We bring together analyses of migration governance in practice and in key times and spaces and relate these analyses to the key structuring principles of migration governance as laid out by the UN. This is done to better understand the current gaps between principles and practices and in order to provide insights and recommendations for migration governance in the future.
ADMIGOV is also methodologically unique. We bring analyses from along the migration ‘chain’, from entry through to exit and incorporating key issues such as labour migration, protection needs and development goals. ADMIGOV has chosen several case studies of key times and spaces in migration governance, including the Greek islands, Lebanon, and Turkey, to better understand the most important and most problematic processes at play.
In short, ADMIGOV is designed to combine the analyses of existing policies and practices on the ground in key times and spaces with the wide- ranging 4Mi data to generate new indicators of good migration governance, helping the EU put the UN principles into practice.
Work Package 4 focuses on protection in the borderlands of Europe. On both sides of the borders of Europe, extremely problematic situations have arisen due to failures in protection, that became more salient in times of crisis, when the number of incoming refugees and migrants clearly surpassed the capacity of the existing structures. Fieldwork on the Greek islands, in Turkish cities with high numbers of refugees and in Lebanese informal refugee settlements will provide better understanding of where UN principles collide with the situation on the ground. Recommendations will include suggestions made by volunteers and activists to create a more acceptable situation.
Principal Investigator
Anja van Heelsum, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Amsterdam |
Leader of Work Package 4
Evthymios Papataxiarchis, Professor of Social Anthropology, Department of Social Anthropology and History, University of the Aegean
Research Team
- Polly Pallister-Wilkins, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Amsterdam
- Alexandra Zavos, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Crete
- Natasha Anastasiadou, PhD candidate, University of the Aegean, Greece and University of Aegean
- Aysen Üstübici, Assistant Professor, Koç University, Turkey
- Sibil Karadağ, Post-doctoral researcher, Koç University, Turkey
- Gabriella Trovato, Assistant Professor, American University of Beirut, Lebanon
- Nayla Al-Akl, Poat-doctoral researcher, American University of Beirut, Lebanon
Institutional Partners
- Universiteit van Amsterdam (Netherlands)
- Universiteit Maastricht (Netherlands)
- Universite Libre de Bruxelles ULB (Belgium)
- Aalborg Universitet (Denmark)
- Centre for International Information and Documentation in Barcelona (Spain)
- Universitat de Barcelona (Spain)
- Uniwersytet Wroclawski (Poland)
- Koc University (Turkey)
- American University of Beirut (Lebanon)
- Dansk Flygtningehjaelp Forening (Denmark)
- Addis Ababa University (Ethiopia)
- Stichting Nederlands Instituut voor Internationale Betrekkingen Clingendael (Netherlands)
Horizon 2020. Grant Agreement number: 822625 — ADMIGOV — H2020-SC6-MIGRATION-2018-2019-2020/H2020-SC6-MIGRATION-2018
48 Months (1/2/2019-1/2/2023)
- Polly Pallister-Wilkins, Anastasia Anastasiadou and Evthymios Papataxiarchis (2020) Protection in Lesvos during Covid-19: A critical failure, ADMIGOV interim report on Greece (deliverable 4.1.), Mytilene: University of the Aegean.
- Aysen Üstübici and Sibil Karadağ (2020) Refugee Protection in Turkey during the First Phase of the COVID-19 Pandemic, ADMIGOV Interim Report on Turkey (deliverable 4.2), Istanbul: Koç University.
- Maria Gabriella Trovato, Nayla Al-Akl, Dana Ali and Sara Abou Fakher (2020) Syrian Refugees in Lebanon: Protection amidst Crises, ADMIGOV interim report on Lebanon (deliverable 4.3). Beirut, American University of Beirut
- Polly Pallister-Wilkins, Anastasia Anastasiadou, Alexandra Zavos and Evthymios Papataxiarchis (2021) Protection in a Hostile Environment: An on-the-ground study into protection practices in Lesvos and Athens. AdMiGov Deliverable 4.1, Amsterdam: UvA.
- Sibil Karadağ and Aysen Üstübici (2021) Protection during pre-pandemic and COVID-19 periods in Turkey. AdMiGov Deliverable 4.2, Istanbul: Koç University.
- Maria Gabriella Trovato, Nayla Al-Akl and Dana Ali (2021) Displaced Syrians in Lebanon: Protection amidst Crises. AdMiGov Deliverable 4.3, Beirut: American University of Beirut.
URL link
Transformations Of National And Popular Sovereignty In Times Of Crisis
Principal Investigator: Evthymios Papataxiarchis
This research project aimed at investigating transformations of the concepts of national and popular sovereignty, along with the signification of notions of “the people” and “nation” in Greece, during times of crisis. The main hypothesis was that in today’s critical juncture there are significant shifts in collective attitudes and representations that can be observed on three distinct yet interconnected dimensions: (1) at the “political” level, in relation to political mobilisation and practice, taking place on the grounds of a pre-existing crisis of political trust and representation; (2) at the “values” level, that is in the reception and rethinking of the “idea of Europe” within the context of a tension between national politics and the European management of crisis; (3) at the “cultural” one, related to the dislocation of national sovereignty through migration, identity politics and demands for recognition and accommodation of cultural difference and identity.
Principal Investigator
Evthymios Papataxiarchis, Professor of Social Anthropology, University of the Aegean
Research team
- Ioannis Balampanidis, Postdoctoral researcher, University of the Aegean
- Giorgos Katsambekis, Postdoctoral researcher, University of the Aegean
- Christos Iliadis, Postdoctoral researcher, University of the Aegean
The project was co-financed by Greece and the European Union (European Social Fund- ESF) through the Operational Programme ‘Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning 2014-2020’ in the context of the project ‘Transformations of national and popular sovereignty in times of crisis’ (MIS 5004286).
15 months (June 2018 – September 2019)
- Ioannis Balampanidis, Giorgos Katsambekis, Christos Iliadis & Evthymios Papataxiarchis, “Ambiguous identities in crisis-ridden Greece: ‘us’ and/against ‘Europe’,” Journal of Contemporary European Studies (accepted – forthcoming)
- Χρήστος Ηλιάδης, Γιώργος Κατσαμπέκης & Γιάννης Μπαλαμπανίδης, “Μετασχηματισμοί της κυριαρχίας σε καιρούς κρίσης: Προκαταρκτικές σκέψεις και ερευνητικές κατευθύνσεις”, Πρακτικά του 11ου Τακτικού Συνεδρίου της Ελληνικής Εταιρίας Πολιτικής Επιστήμης (υπό δημοσίευση).
- Ioannis Balampanidis & Giorgos Katsambekis, “Grèce: le choix européen, malgré tout”, L’OURS: Recherche Socialiste, no. 84-85, 2018, σ. 49-60.
Archive Of The Refugee And Migration Crisis In The Aegean
Principal Investigator : Evthymios Papataxiarchis
The main aims of the Archive of the Refugee and Migration Crisis in the Aegean are to collect, document, organize, preserve, digitalize and disseminate various categories of material referring to the refugee and migration crisis in the Aegean Sea. The Archive also documents and promotes research by members of Greek and the international academic community. The Archive contains people’s testimonies, diaries, published or un-published statistical and institutional records, articles originating in both print and digital formats, images, film and video. The primary and secondary material is collected and distributed by the Archive in accordance to copyright rules. The Archive currently holds over 600 digital documents, which correspond to approximately 6,000 digital objects of various content. The continuous enrichment of the Archive with original material is achieved through the establishment of partnerships and the signing of collaboration memorandums with humanitarian agencies on the islands.
Principal Investigator
Evthymios Papataxiarchis, Professor of Social Anthropology, University of the Aegean
Researcher team
The Archive for the Refugee and Migration Crisis in the Aegean operates under the scientific supervision of the Scientific Committee of the Refugee Observatory.
Also, since November 2017 the project of the Archive has been supported by specialized staff, with studies in social sciences and informatics. In particular, the staff of the Archive so far included: Doukakarou Maria, Postdoctoral Researcher in Social Anthropology, University of the Aegean – Coordinator, Tsiligkiridou Rafaela, PhD Candidate in Social Anthropology, Loukou Helen, Αrchivist-Librarian, Kelidou Elisavet, Graphic designer – PhD Candidate in Cultural Technology and Communication, University of the Aegean, Karathanasis Pafsanias, Postdoctoral Researcher in Social Anthropology and ex-coordinator, Diamantis Konstantinos, postgraduate student of Visual Anthropology and Media anthropology, Freie Universitaet Berlin, and Chortarias Nikos, Information Technology Services, University of the Aegean.
National Documentation Centre
Observatory Of The Refugee And Migration Crisis In The Aegean
Principal Investigator: Evthymios Papataxiarchis
The basic stimuli for the establishment of the Observatory of the Refugee and Migration Crisis in the Aegean were the mass movements of population in 2015 and the geographic concentration of these movements in the islands of the eastern Aegean and especially in Lesvos. The aim of the Observatory is to systematically record the multiple – demographic, economic, institutional, political, religious and cultural – dimensions of the refugee and migration crisis both historically and on a daily basis. The Observatory of the Refugee and Migration Crisis in the Aegean monitors the development of the refugee and migration phenomenon in the Aegean islands and, in particular, in the areas that are main gates of entry of refugees and migrants in the European area, such as Lesvos, Chios, Samos, Kos and Leros and is interested to highlight from the bottom the perspective of all parties involved: Migrants and refugees, local communities and humanitarian actors.
The Observatory of the Refugee and Migration Crisis has a web page (see which attempts to systematically disseminate information on the refugee ‘crisis’ on a regular, periodic basis and to serve public scientific dialogue on an international level. At the same time, it has a special Repository – Archive in which all primary and secondary data, produced by various agents and by the Observatory itself, are saved. The Observatory for the Refugee and Migration Crisis in the Aegean has already been established as an area of reference and a context for dialogue for those studying the refugee and migratory ‘crisis’ in the wider Mediterranean region. It has developed important collaborations and has ensured the support of a number of university and research institutes abroad (such as: Migration Research Center – Koc University, Sussex Rights and Justice Research Centre, Global Studies-University of Sussex, The ERC AdG Crosslocations Research Project-University of Helsinki, the Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies (IMES)- University of Amsterdam, University of East London, Department of Anthropology – University of Pittsburgh, American Anthropological Association) and humanitarian agencies in the Aegean islands (such as: Better Days Greece, Dirty Girls of Lesvos, International Rescue Committee Hellas, ΗIAS Greece, Iliaktida MAKE, Starfish Foundation). Furthermore, it has organized a significant number of scientific meetings/seminars on the refugee issue with distinguished Greek and foreign speakers. It also participates in Greek and international research programs on the refugee-migration issue.
Principal Investigator
Evthymios Papataxiarchis, Professor of Social Anthropology, University of the Aegean
Research team
The Observatory for the Refugee and Migration Crisis in the Aegean operates under the scientific supervision of a committee, formed by faculty members of the University of the Aegean as well as academic researchers from various countries. In particular, the Scientific Committee of the Observatory is composed by: Christodoulos Bellas, Associate Professor of Economics, University of the Aegean, Alexandra Bounia, Professor of Museum Studies, University of the Aegean, Heath Cabot, Associate Professor of Social Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh, Jane Cowan, Professor of Social Anthropology, Sussex University, Dionysios Gouvias, Associate Professor of Educational Policy and Sociology of Education, University of the Aegean, Sarah Green, Professor of Social Anthropology, Helsinki University, Pothiti Hantzaroula, Associate Professor of Historical Anthropology, University of the Aegean, Laurie Hart, Professor of Social Anthropology, University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), Nikolaos Nagopoulos, Professor of Sociology, University of the Aegean, Effie Plexousaki, Assistant Professor of Social Anthropology, University of the Aegean, Ilektra Petrakou, Assistant Professor of Political Geography, University of the Aegean, Katerina Rozakou, Assistant Professor of Social Anthropology, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Marica Rombou Levidi, Postdoctoral Researcher in Social Anthropology, University of the Aegean, Eleni Skourtou, Professor of Language and Cultural Diversity in School, University of the Aegean.
Since November 2017 the project of the Observatory has been supported by specialized staff, with studies in social sciences and informatics. In particular, the staff of the Observatory have so far been: Maria Doukakarou, Postdoctoral Researcher in Social Anthropology, University of the Aegean – Coordinator, Pafsanias Karathanasis, Postdoctoral Researcher in Social Anthropology, former coordinator of the Observatory, Natasa Anastasiadou, Ph.D canditate in Social Anthropology, University of the Aegean, Konstantinos Diamantis, Ph.D Candidate in Visual and Media anthropology, University of the Aegean, Elisavet Kelidou, Graphic designer, PhD Candidate in Cultural Technology and Communication, University of the Aegean, Nadina Livaditi, Ph.D canditate in Social Anthropology, University of the Aegean, Ervin Shehu, Ph.D Candidate in Social Anthropology, University of the Aegean, Rafaela Tsiligkiridou, PhD Candidate in Social Anthropology, University of the Aegean, Helen Loukou, Αrchivist-Librarian and Nikos Chortarias Information Technology Services, University of the Aegean.
- National Documentation Center, Greece
- Global Studies Center, University of Pittsburgh
Wenner Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research
Archive Of Greek Ethnography (2012 –)
The project of the Archive of Greek Ethnography (AGE) started at the Ethnographic Laboratory in 2012 as part of the Laboratory’s objective to collect, record and classify ethnographic texts (books, articles in journals and collective volumes, dissertations) and other ethnographic materials which refer to modern Greece. Since 2019, after the signing of a memorandum of cooperation between the Laboratory and the National Documentation Centre (NDC) aiming at upgrading the Archive through openABEKT services, AGE entered a new phase.
The project is currently underway. A significant number of relevant publications are already available in the laboratory archive. In parallel with collecting the texts, the Laboratory is developing a compiled database for the ethnography of Greece.
The creation of a comprehensive database on the ethnography of Greece was supported, from 2013 onwards, through the participation of the Ethnographic Laboratory in a wide Research Action of the University of the Aegean on the “Development of a comprehensive research program on insularity”, in which we attempted a systematic recording, study and dissemination of the ethnographic and anthropological researches that have been carried out in the Aegean region, as well as the compilation of a database of the ethnographic and anthropological work on the Aegean.
(More specifically see, ” Creation of an Ethnographic Archive – Creation of an Oral History Archive”. Research team: Panayotis Panopoulos, Pothiti Hantzaroula [scientific directors], Maria Doukakarou, Despina Hamhale [researchers]. The project belonged to of Action 6 of the wider project: “The University of the Aegean, a key factor for the economic and social development of the Aegean area”, which was implemented under the Operational Program: “Education and Lifelong Learning” and co-funded by the European Union and National Resources [Scientific director: Nikolaos Soulakellis]. For the findings of the Action, see “Ethnographic and Historical Research in the Aegean: The Contribution of the Department of Social Anthropology and History” [In Greek]. Panayotis Panopoulos, Pothiti Hantzaroula, Maria Doukakarou & Despina Hamhale. In Insularity and sustainability: The case of the Aegean islands. Spilanis, G., Kizos, Th. & Karabela, S. eds. Mytilene: University of the Aegean ISBN: 978-960-88031-2-1, pp. 200-207. gr / images / Syllogikos_Tomos.pdf)).
This Action focused on the collection, recording, documentation, categorization and presentation of published (but also unpublished) ethnographic, anthropological, studies related to multiple aspects of social and cultural reality, as well as the everyday life, of the inhabitants of the Aegean region, the structural factors, the historical processes, the human-geographical components, the gradual transformations and the radical changes that contemporary living conditions (tourism, urbanization, etc.) bring to the islands and the islanders.
The production of a complete Database of the ethnographic work concerning the Aegean aspires to be the background for further research by researchers of the University of the Aegean, as well as by others, Greeks and foreigners, making the Department of Social Anthropology and History and the Ethnography Laboratory an international reference pole and field of attraction for anthropological research in Greece in general, and the Aegean area in particular.
Objectives of the Archive Greek Ethnography
- Establishment of a Database of ethnographic material that presents a wide range of thematic fields (kinship, family, domestic space, inheritance, popular religion, pilgrimage, ritual, local identity, community, memory, work, politics, gender relations, music, dance, migration, refugee crisis), on which there is available research material that has been collected through the application of anthropological qualitative methods.
Categories / forms of material:
- Printed material
– Books, articles in journals and collective volumes, special volumes in journals.
– Academic theses (doctoral dissertations, graduate theses, undergraduate theses), research group reports, research proposals.
- Ethnographic archival material
– Ethnographic calendars
– Visual material (photos, videos)
– Audio material (recordings)
– Material evidence of research missions
- Selective digitization.
- Spatial mapping of ethnographic research in Greece in a special Atlas of Greek ethnography.
- Development of cooperation with the summer schools of the University of the Aegean.
- Development and support of research that will capitalize the existing stock of ethnographic knowledge for the Greek area in the wider, Greek and international, academic environment, aiming at consolidating the specifics and comparative advantages of the Department of Social Anthropology and History of the University of the Aegean , as well as expanding future goals and strategies for further development of the research and educational role of the University of the Aegean.
- Dissemination of the knowledge that will be documented by this project to the local communities, through collaboration with local documentation foundations [local archives, municipal and other libraries, clubs, associations].
The Archive currently includes a large number of digital items of various content. The collection and distribution of all documents is done on the basis of the principles for copyright, while the continuous enrichment of the Archive with new material is achieved through collaborations with individual researchers and institutions.
Τhe New Greek Migration To Germany In Times Of Crisis: Social And Cultural Capital In The Process Of Migration And Integration
Principal Investigator for the University of the Aegean: Evthymios Papataxiarchis
Already since the beginning of 2010, a big migration ‘wave’ from Greece to Germany has started. The new Greek migration has its own unique origins and characteristics. No doubt, it is an effect of the deep economic crisis that shakes Greek society and restructures the sociopolitical system.
The phenomenon, its causes and consequences and the possible future scenarios of new Greek migration to Germany remain an important topic for research and analysis, mainly because the phenomenon of migration is under constant development and change. It is however very important and interesting to throw light on the various social, political and cultural aspects of this new phenomenon, in an attempt to set a pragmatological base, so that we are able to draw conclusions and follow clearer its development in the future. Little scientific research has been done in Germany and Greece on this bilateral phenomenon. In this project we rely on the concept of ‘social capital’ and consider its significance in migration strategies from Greece to Germany and its central role in the process of integration in the German society. The research gives particular emphasis on subjective understandings of migration and integration, and therefore considers the perspectives of the immigrants themselves, focusing on their life stories and personal trajectories. It also has a comparative orientation and aims to offer suggestions for strategies and policies of better integration of Greek migrants in Germany nowadays.
Principal Investigator for the University of the Aegean
Evthymios Papataxiarchis, Professor of social anthropology, Department of social anthropology and history, University of the Aegean
Project leader in Germany
Miltos Pechlivanos, Professor Institut für griechische und lateinische Philologie, Freie Universität Berlin
11.1.2013 – 30.12.2013
Funding agency
State Scholarship Foundation (IKY), Programme for the promotion of the exchange and scientific cooperation between Greece and Germany (IKYDA 2013)
Paid Domestic Work Of Non Eu Citizens In Greece: Institutional Framework And The Profile Of Employees
Principal Investigator : Christodoulos P. Bellas
The research studied the profile of third-country nationals permanently residing in Greece who work as domestic servants. In particular, it investigated a) the institutional framework governing paid domestic work in all EU countries and b) the characteristics and degree of integration of migrant women in Greece with a sample survey of 451 immigrant women and 75 in-person interviews with individuals without EU citizenship from five ethnic groups. The survey resulted in some general conclusions and proposals for immigration policy.
Principal Investigator
Christodoulos P. Bellas
Research Team
Chtouris, A. Zisi, P. Topali, A. Athanasopoulou, K. Rozakou, I. Daskalaki, Eda Gemi, M. Rentari and M. Chiou
Internal evaluation
Labrianidis, E. Papataxiarchis.
Research partners
The project was prepared with the leading partner the University of the Aegean (Departments of Social Anthropology and History and Sociology of the School of Social Sciences) in collaboration with the market research company TNS-ICAP and the non-profit company Hangout of Albanian Immigrant Culture. (2012) (Project code ELE 2436).
Funding agencies
The project was funded 75% by the European Integration Fund and 25% by National Resources. It is part of Action 2.2 / 10 of the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals and was carried out in the framework of Priority 2: “Development of indicators and evaluation methodologies, in order to assess progress, adapt policies and measures and facilitate comparative learning”.
- C.P. Bellas (ed.), Domestic work and social integration of immigrant women in Greece during the Economic Crisis, University of the Aegean, Athens 2012.
- The volume includes the following articles:
- Topali, P. (2012), “Institutional Arrangements of domestic work and migration: a comparative study in the Member States of the European Union”, pp. 15-85.
- Chtouris, S., Zisi, A., Rentari, M., Chiou, M. (2012). “Private employment agencies as mediators in the formation of labor relations and the profession of domestic workers”, pp. 90-131.
- Bellas, C.P., (2012). “Housework and social integration of immigrant women: analysis of the results of the sample survey”, pp. 135-233.
- Athanasopoulou, A., (2012). “Albanian salaried domestic workers: improvement of living conditions and desire for equal participation in the Greek reality”, pp. 237-278.
- Rozakou, K., (2012). “African domestic workers in Athens: color and gradations of difference”, pp. 279-316.
- Gemi, E., (2012). “Moldovan domestic workers: the” invisible “aspects of their domestic journey”, pp. 317-360.
- Daskalaki, I., (2012). “Ukrainian migrant domestic workers in Greece: three key points of their ‘routes’ from their first arrival to the ‘crisis'”, pp. 361-397.
- Topali, P., (2012). “Immigration Practices, Integration Formations: Filipino Domestic Workers in Athens”, pp. 399-439.
- Bellas, H.F., Rozakou, K., (2012). “The paid domestic work of immigrant women: aspects of social integration in Greece during the crisis”, pp. 443-480.
- Chtouris, S., Bellas, H.F., (2012). “Fields of social inclusion, degree of inclusion in domestic work: selected immigration policy proposals”, pp. 481-515.
- Peer review of the work: D. Lasarescu, E. Melekaki (2014) in Social Cohesion and Development, 9: 85-87.
Gender, Paid Domestic Work And Ethnic Identity: The Cross-Cultural Construction Of Households In Greece
Principal Investigator: Evthymios Papataxiarchis
This research project is a comparative study of the relationships between Filipino, Albanian and Greek women domestic workers and their Greek employers in Athens and secondarily in Patras. We look at the cultural and social conditions that associate these ethnically diverse groups of workers with particular domains of domestic work and analyze the technical division of paid domestic work as this is informed by the diverse strategies of both domestic workers and domestic employers. We also consider how the new forms of migrant female domestic work that emerged in Greece in the course of the 1990s, and particularly the processes of professionalization that involve migrant women from Albania and other ex-socialist countries, transformed the dominant discourse on domesticity and contributed to the restructuring of the domestic space of the employers.
Principal Investigator
Papataxiarchis, Professor of social anthropology, Department of social anthropology and history, University of the Aegean
Research Team
Papataxiarchis, P. Topali, A. Athanasopoulou, K. Rozakou, V. Daskalaki, V. Papageorgiou, L. Labrianidis, E. Plexouaki, V. Kantsa
Research partners
National Centre of Social Research (P. Kafetzis)
Department of History, Archaelogy and Anthropology (R. Van Boeschoten)
Funding agencies
The project was funded by the Program Pythagoras in the context of EPEAEK II (75% by the European and 25% by the Greek Ministry of Education)
Women’s Labor In Individual, Family And Cooperative Tourist Businesses: The Cases Of Myconos And Lesvos
Principal Investigator: Vasiliki Moutafi
Principal Investigator
Moutafi, Professor, Department of Social Anthropology and History, University of the Aegean
Research team
Nazou, N. Ioannidou, A. Batzaka, S. Zagotsi, V. Moutadi and P. Tsartasήσεων).
Research partners
National Centre of Social Research (P. Kafetzis)
Department of History, Archaelogy and Anthropology (R. Van Boeschoten)
Funding agencies
The project was funded by the Program Pythagoras in the context of EPEAEK II (75% by the European and 25% by the Greek Ministry of Education)
28 months (beginning: 2004)