Critical presentation of the main anthropological theories (fonctionalism, structural functionalism, structuralism, marxism, interpretive theory, poststructuralism) and their connection to general philosophical theories. Therefore, the way in which the anthropology is connecting with other disciplines as the philosophy but also psychoanalysis will be presented. Emphasis will be given to the the transition from structuralism to post-structuralism and the contemporary theoretical issues in anthropology as subjectivity, power/knowledge, embodiment and affect. Also, the re-examination of ethnographic research and writing according to these contemporary theories and topics will be one of the main subjects of the course.
Learning outcomes: The course learning outcomes, specific knowledge, skills and competences of an appropriate level, which the students will acquire with the successful completion of the course are described.
Consult Appendix A
· Description of the level of learning outcomes for each qualifications cycle, according to the Qualifications Framework of the European Higher Education Area
· Descriptors for Levels 6, 7 & 8 of the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning and Appendix B
· Guidelines for writing Learning Outcomes
General Competences: The course aims to make familiar the students with the basic concepts of contemporary anthropological theory and to apply these concepts to the more specialised courses of anthropology. Also, to acknowledge the connection of anthropology with other disciplines.
Delivery: | Face to face | |
Use Of Information And Communications Technology : | Use of ICT in teaching and communication with students. Student have access on EClass. |
Teaching Methods: | Activity | Semester workload |
Lectures | 60 | |
Practice in class | 30 | |
Autonomous study and exam preparation | 50 | |
Examination | 3 | |
Course total:
145 | |
Student Performance Evaluation: | Greek. Written and oral examination, public presentation
1. Marcus G.-Fischer M. 1986 Anthropology as Cultural Critique. An Experimental
2. Moment in the Human Sciences. Chicago & London: The University of Chicago Press.
3. Γκέφου-Μαδιανού Δ. (επιμέλεια) 1998 Ανθρωπολογική θεωρία και εθνογραφία. Αθήνα : Ελληνικά Γράμματα.
4. Geertz C. 2003 Η ερμηνεία των πολιτισμών. Αθήνα: Αλεξάνδρεια.
5. Foucault M. 1966 Les mots et les choses. Paris: Gallimard. (ελλ. μετάφραση Οι λέξεις και τα πράγματα μετ. Κ. Παπαγιώργης)
6. Smith Ph. 2006 Πολιτισμική θεωρία. Αθήνα: Κριτική.
Academic Unit:
Level of studies:
Course code:
Independent teaching activities
Weekly teaching hours
Course type:
Prerequisite courses:
Language of instruction and examinations:
Is the course offered to erasmus students:
Course website (URL):
Τρόπος Παράδοσης:
Χρήση Τεχνολογιών, Πληροφορίας & Επικοινωνιών:
Οργάνωση Διδασκαλίας:
Δραστηριότητα | Φόρτος Εργασίας Εξαμήνου |
Σύνολο Μαθήματος | 140 |
Διαλέξεις | 40 |
Ασκήσεις στην τάξη | 15 |
Εκπαιδευτική εκδρομή | 10 |
Αυτόνομη μελέτη στην διάρκεια του εξαμήνου | 45 |
Μελέτη προετοιμασίας για τις εξετάσεις | 30 |
Αξιολόγηση Φοιτητών:
Η αξιολόγηση των φοιτητών/ριών γίνεται μέσω εξετάσεων με ερωτήσεις ανάπτυξης και αποκλειστικά στην ελληνική γλώσσα. Τα κριτήρια είναι προσβάσιμα για τους φοιτητές/ριες στην ηλεκτρονική πλατφόρμα του μαθήματος (e-class).
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