Effie Plexoussaki studied Law at the School of Law in the University of Athens and holds a PHD in Social Anthropology and Ethnology (entitled “Le corps en jeu: discours sur la maladie et pratiques thérapeutiques en Crète Orientale”) from Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris. She is teaching Social Anthropology at the University of the Aegean since 2000. From 2002 to 2017 she was also teaching at the Greek Open University, in a postgraduate program entitled: “Education: cultural differences and social inequalities”. She has teached at the University of Crete, at Panteion University and at the University of Athens.
She has developed research interests concerning representations of illness, sickness and healing in the ethnography of the Mediterrannean societies, the management of biopolitical difference among AIDS patients and medical agents and more recently on anthropology of education and minorities’ education in relation with ethnicity and collective identities.
From 1997-1999 she has conducted fieldwork on minority’s education as a member of a multidisciplinary team working on reforming the minority education in Thrace. This scientific team designed and organized the «Programme of Muslim Children’s Education», supervised by the Greek Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs and funded by the European Social Fund and National resources as part of the Operational Program “Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning” (Head: A. Frangoudaki) https://www.museduc.gr/en/. During the years 2006-2008 and 2010-2013 she has been member of the five members scientific comittee of the above project.
She was the sole editor of collective volume Transformations of nationalism. Performances of collective identity in Greece. Athens: Alexandreia Publications, 2014. This volume investigates nationalist formations in Greece and their transformations in today’s global environment with emphasis on how sub-national, national and supranational elements were articulated with collective identities at a local and a national level.