- 2015. Christians and Muslims in the Ottoman Empire: Institutional framework and social dynamics (with Yorgos Tzedopoulos, in Greek). Athens: SEAB.
- 2013. Greek Paradoxes: Patronage, civil society and violence (editor, with K. Rozakou, in Greek). Athens: Alexandreia.
- 2011. Popular Protest and Political Participation in the Ottoman Empire: Studies in honor of Suraiya Faroqhi (editor, with M.E. Kabadayı and C.K. Neumann). Istanbul: Bilgi University Press.
Articles and Book chapters (selection)
- 2022. “Interfaith marriage in the early modern Ottoman Empire: Legal and social aspects”. Mediterranean Journal of Gender and Women’s Studies (KTC) 5:2, 240-259.
- 2022. “Confession-Building and authority: The Great Church and the Ottoman state in the first half of the 17th century” (with Ovidiu Olar). In T. Krstić and D. Terzioǧlu (eds), Entangled Confessionalizations? Dialogic Perspectives on the Politics of Piety and Community Building in the Ottoman Empire, 15th–18th centuries, Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 159-214.
- 2021. “An Ottoman boyhood: Child life in the late eighteenth-century through the lens of Panayis Skouzes’ autobiography.” In G. Yılmaz and F. Zachs (eds), Children and Childhood in the Ottoman Empire (14th-20th century), Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 77-99.
- 2021. “Popular protest and revolt at times of subsistence crisis: The Ottoman lands, 17th-18th century” (in Greek). In N. Potamianos (ed.), Ekdoches tes ethikes oikonomias: Istorikes kai theoretikes meletes, Rethymno: FORTH/Institute for Mediterranean Studies, 79-99,
- 2018. “Prophecy, rebellion, suppression: Revisiting the revolt of Dionysios the Philosopher in 1611”. In G. Salinero, Á. García Garrido and R. Păun (eds), Paradigmes rebelles: Pratiques et cultures de la désobéissance à l’époque moderne, Brussels: Peter Lang, 335-363.
- 2017. “Conceptualizing interreligious relations in the Ottoman Empire: The early modern centuries”. Acta Poloniae Historica 116, 57-91.
- 2015. “The rural hinterland of Karaferye: Settlements, divisions and the çiftlik phenomenon (seventeenth-eighteenth centuries)”. In E. Kolovos (ed.), Ottoman rural societies and economies, Rethymno: Crete University Press, 261-291 (with Antonis Anastasopoulos).
- 2012. “Patterns of collective action and political participation in the early modern Balkans”. In A. Anastasopoulos (ed.), Political initiatives ‘from the bottom up’ in the Ottoman Empire, Rethymno: Crete University Press, 399-433.
- 2011. “Popular protest and the limitations of sultanic justice”. In E. Gara, M.E. Kabadayı and C.K. Neumann (eds), Popular protest and political participation in the Ottoman Empire, Istanbul: Bilgi University Press, 89-104.
- 2010. “Partiality in the administration of justice at the Ottoman kadi courts”. In K. Lappas, A. Anastasopoulos and E. Kolovos (eds), Mneme Penelopes Stathe, Herakleio: Crete University Press, 39-54 (in Greek).
- 2008. “Ottoman social history: Trends of research and the issue of reflexivity”. In Ph. Tsimpiridou and D. Stamatopoulos (eds), Orientalismos sta oria, Athens: Kritike, 99-124 (in Greek).
- 2007. “Marrying in seventeenth century Mostar”. In E. Kolovos, Ph. Kotzageorgis, S. Laiou and M. Sariyannis (eds), The Ottoman Empire, the Balkans, the Greek lands, Istanbul: The Isis Press, 115-134.
- 2005/06. “Neomartyr without a message”. Archivum Ottomanicum 23, 155-175.
- 2005. “Moneylenders and landowners: In search of urban Muslim elites in the early modern Balkans”. In A. Anastasopoulos (ed.), Provincial elites in the Ottoman Empire, Rethymno: Crete University Press, 135-147.
- 2005. “Çuha for the janissaries – Velençe for the poor: Competition for raw material and work-force between Salonica and Veria, 1600-1650”. In S. Faroqhi and R. Deguilhem (eds), Crafts and craftsmen of the Middle East, London–New York: I.B. Tauris, 121-152.
- 1999. “Ottoman attitudes on crime and punishment”. Mnemon 21, 37-54 (with A. Anastasopoulos, in Greek).
- 1998. “In search of communities in seventeenth-century Ottoman sources”. Turcica 30, 135-162.